Thursday, March 13, 2025
C2C: Connected to the Great Commission

Disciple Making

It's not a suggestion.  It's a command.  Some say that it's the greatest weakness (next to prayerlessness) of the Church today.   The Great Commission is clear in it's instruction:  make disciples and teach them to obey Jesus.  Our greatest example is the Lord Jesus Himself.  In addition, throughout the New Testament we are told to love, serve, encourage, care for, pray for, instruct, forgive, support, and instruct each other. 

The truth is that only disciples make disciples.  While disciple-making is an ongoing and possibly lifelong process, we can excellerate the process by helping one another in three crucial areas.  These can be called the "upward way".

1.  LOOK UP to God in total dependence and complete devotion.

2.  BUILD UP one another in faith and love.

3.  LIFT UP Jesus to a lost and dying world. 
Three essential ingredients are necessary for successful disciple-making:  a willing disciple, an available disciplemaker (teacher, mentor, coach, etc.), and the unifying, empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.
If we'd learn to do these simple things and allow God to use us, would we be different as the Body of Christ?   What would happen if every new believer had a more mature believer come alongside to encourage, instruct, and help?
Recommended Reading: 
Simple Church, Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger, 2006, B&H Publishing Group, Nashville, TN 
Tally Ho The Fox, Herb Hodges, 2001, Spiritual Life Ministries, Memphis, TN